Falling For the Billionaire Read online

Page 11

  “You’ll see.”

  Okay, what could he have planned for them in Boston? Considering how casually they were dressed, the theater was out. She’d not heard of any big name musicians performing at the Garden. The city contained several museums, but she didn’t think he’d be taking her there either. And the time of day ruled out any nightclubs.

  Thankfully, Scott’s secret destination quickly revealed itself after he parked.

  “I promised I’d get you here before the season ended.” He held her hand as they walked toward Fenway Park. “After the game, we’ll head into the North End for dinner.”

  Paige ignored the crowd around them and hugged him tight. “Awesome surprise. Thank you.” She glanced up at the Pennant Banners attached to the building, each one listing a year the team had won the World Series. “But I should’ve guessed we were coming here as soon as I realized we were headed to Boston.”

  Together they joined the line of people making their way inside. Paige took it all in because Fenway wasn’t just any old baseball park. Commonly referred to as America’s Most Beloved Park, it’d opened in 1912 and was the oldest baseball stadium used in professional baseball. Friends who’d seen games here as well as at other parks insisted Fenway had a special vibe all its own.

  Paige looked at the field and then across at the Green Monster. “Instead of going for dinner, let’s go back to my house. We can order some pizza, or I’ll put some burgers on the grill.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Positive. I’d rather be alone with you.”

  Scott’s fingers skimmed across the back of her neck, causing a fluttering in the pit of her stomach. “Love the idea,” he said, his voice low and seductive. “It’s much better than mine.”

  His statement brought images of them naked and tangled together. And the fluttering changed as liquid heat formed and spread. She’d never been one to sit around and fantasize about sex like some people she knew. Sure, she enjoyed it but didn’t obsess about it, which probably explained why she’d had it once since her divorce. At the moment though, thoughts of Scott naked and in her bed consumed her. Tonight before he left her house, she’d make sure her current image became a reality. And every instinct told her it would be the best sex she’d ever had. No doubt about it.

  Chapter 9

  Scott grabbed the last empty table outside the coffee shop, his eyes drawn to the copy of Gossip Now, England’s equivalent to the Star Report. Both magazines were owned by the same parent company. A photo of his cousin Derek and his new fiancée, Brooklyn, took up the entire cover. Considering America’s fascination with his family, Scott assumed all the magazines back home had similar covers. Despite the problem their engagement created with Brooklyn’s parents, he was happy for them. They’d met in college and been friends ever since. He still didn’t understand how it’d taken his cousin so friggin’ long to realize he loved Brooklyn, but maybe it was because they’d been friends for so many years. Change could be tough. Perhaps Derek had feared what would happen to their friendship if they tried to change it.

  His thoughts changed to his conversation with his mom Saturday. When he’d mentioned inviting Paige, she’d all but done a dance of happiness. From when his cousin Callie had gotten married, she’d started dropping hints that he needed to find the one. After his cousins Jake and Trent made their trips down the aisle, she stepped up her efforts. Judging by her reaction Saturday, she suspected he was one step closer to the altar. And maybe he was. While he’d told his mom a lot about Paige, he hadn’t told her everything.

  Such as the fact that he thought he loved her.

  He hadn’t thought it possible to fall in love with anyone so fast. They’d only known each other since June. Regardless, he didn’t know what else to think. The feelings he had for her were like nothing he’d experienced before. When they were apart, he thought about the next time they’d be together. Whether he was in New York or London like now, they spoke every day, and every weekend he traveled back to Rhode Island regardless of where he’d spent the week. They didn’t always get the whole weekend together, like last week, but they always made time for each other.

  In every way, his and Paige’s relationship was unlike anything he’d had before. Quickly memories of their time together Sunday filled his head, and his body reacted. They’d gone straight from the baseball game to her bedroom. And they’d stayed there until he’d left for the airport and his flight back to London.

  With the project running smoothly here now, hopefully this would be his last trip over for some time. When he did come back, maybe Paige would be able to come with him. She hadn’t visited England in a long time, and he’d love the company. Or rather, he’d love her company.

  “Can’t believe that took so long.” Chase Talbot set a large coffee down in front of him. “The bloke in front of me changed his order three times,” he said, his voice and mannerisms quite similar to his older half brother’s.

  “We’ve got time. The plane doesn’t board for another thirty minutes.”

  Since they were both heading back to the States, they’d booked a flight together. However, while Chase planned to stay and visit Dylan, Scott had another plane to catch once they landed at JFK. Unlike many of his flights though, the one from New York to Virginia wasn’t for business, but pleasure. Paige had arrived in Virginia Beach four days ago, a trip she’d planned long before the bachelor auction. Before he left Sunday night, she’d invited him to join her. Though the invitation surprised him, he hadn’t hesitated to agree, promising to meet her there today since work prevented him from flying down with her.

  “How long are you staying this time?” Scott reached for his coffee and wished he’d asked the younger man to order him a sandwich too.

  “Not sure. I might fly out to California on this trip and visit a friend who lives in San Diego.”

  “You’ve been back and forth so much this year, you should just get a place of your own. Stop crashing at your brother’s.”

  “Dylan said the same thing.” Chase reached for his own coffee. “And I’m thinking about it. Callie offered to help me look if I decide to.”

  He’d made the suggestion more as a joke, expecting Chase to come back with a “not bloody likely” response. It was no secret Chase’s maternal grandmother was ill and had been for some time. Being the woman’s only grandson, Chase had an extremely close relationship with her, and he made sure he stayed nearby in case she needed him. At least he’d always done so until his nephew had been born the previous fall. Since then, he’d made more and more trips to the United States.

  “What about you? How long before you come back here?”

  “Not for a while. Right after we land this afternoon, I’m heading to Virginia for a short vacation. After that, I plan to get reacquainted with my own bed.” And he hoped to get Paige acquainted with it as well. With less travel in his future, he hoped she’d make the trip to New York on occasion.

  Chase smirked. “I’ve never visited Virginia, but wouldn’t a beach in Tahiti or the Virgin Islands filled with women wearing bikinis be a more enjoyable place to vacation?”

  Last summer maybe he would’ve agreed. “My girlfriend is visiting family in Virginia Beach. I’m meeting her there.”

  “So there is a beach and bikini-clad woman. Good, you had me worried.” Chase laughed as he lifted his coffee. “Does she have a name?”

  Scott started to answer, his ringtone interrupting him before he finished saying her name. Turning over his smartphone, he checked the caller ID. Nicole, the white letters announced.

  “I’m guessing that’s her calling to check on you,” Chase said, tilting his cup toward the smartphone on the table. “Better take it. Otherwise you won’t be getting any tonight.”

  “It’s not Paige.” He’d dated Nicole for six months but hadn’t heard from her since he broke it off. He didn’t remember the exact date they broke up, but it’d been back in November. Last he’d heard she was pregnant with actor Jordan Lee’
s baby, who she’d gotten into a relationship with as soon as they split.

  Curious about why she was calling after so long, Scott answered. “Hey, Nicole.”

  “Scott. How are you?” She cleared her throat and continued before he answered her. “It’s been a long time.”

  Yeah, he’d call almost a whole year a long time. “I’m good, but at the airport so I can’t talk long. Is there something I can help you with?”

  He only heard background noise for a few seconds. Then she spoke again. “I need to talk to you.”

  Wasn’t that what they were doing? “Okay, I’m listening.”

  “Not on the phone. Will you be around this weekend? I’m in Manhattan now; I can stop by and see you anytime that works. It’s important.”

  Her voice contained more emotion than he’d ever heard in it. Even when he’d seen her act in movies, her voice hadn’t projected as much emotion. “Sorry, I’m away all weekend.” While he didn’t have feelings for Nicole, something was bothering her enough to reach out to him. He’d see her if she wanted to meet and talk.

  “Where will you be? I can either drive or fly there and meet you. I don’t mind.” Desperation snuck into her voice.

  No matter how upset or desperate Nicole was, he didn’t want his ex-girlfriend cutting in on his time with Paige. “I’ll be back in the city next week. We can meet then. Call me.”


  “This isn’t a prison, Pidge. You’re free to leave whenever you want,” Joe said from across the room, addressing her by the nickname only he used. According to their parents, he’d given it to her the day they brought her home from the hospital and had never stopped using it.

  “Are you trying to get rid of me?” She’d been staying at her brother’s condo since she arrived. Today was her last day though. Scott had booked them a room at a hotel on the beach.

  “Trying to save your neck and your wallet. If you keep looking down at your watch, you’re going need physical therapy.”

  She stopped herself from checking the time again. Scott had texted her when his plane landed in Norfolk twenty minutes ago. If he hit no traffic the drive here should take him less than an hour, so she should start for the hotel soon herself.

  “Go. Trish didn’t expect you to wait around for her to come home. Just make sure you bring Scott over before you leave Virginia. If you don’t, Trish will never speak to you again.”

  If she didn’t bring Scott by, her sister-in-law wouldn’t be the only one ticked off. Joe made it a point to meet anyone she got serious with. He’d started doing it in high school and had never stopped. Back then it annoyed her, but the older she got the more she understood he only did it because he cared and took his big-brother role seriously.

  “Will do. Give Gabby a kiss for me when she wakes up.” She’d pop into her niece’s room and do it herself, but the baby was a light sleeper. Even a light kiss on the forehead would wake her up, something Joe might not forgive her for doing.

  “If you decide you want to spend the rest of the week here, Pidge, come on back.” Joe hadn’t been thrilled when she’d told him about Scott’s arrival. He’d thought it was too soon for them to be going on vacation together. She’d not bothered arguing with him. He was entitled to his opinion. Even if he was wrong.

  Coming to her feet, Paige crossed to her brother. “I know,” she said, hugging him. “Thanks for having me. I’ll see you soon.”

  She’d visited the shops as well as the beach, but she’d never stayed in any of the hotels lining Atlantic Avenue. There’d never been a need before today. Although on the smaller side, Joe’s condo had enough room for an overnight guest or two and it wasn’t far from the beach. Even so, she hadn’t asked if they could stay there when Scott arrived. She loved her brother and his family but didn’t want extra eyes watching every move they made. And if they stayed with Joe, they’d get not only extra eyes but extra ears too.

  Paige continued down the street extra vigilant of the pedestrians. Although crosswalks were painted at various spots up and down the road, people routinely ignored them and moved out in front of traffic. Crossing Thirty-First Street, she pulled into the hotel’s small parking lot and into a spot reserved for visitors checking in. Later she’d move the car across the street to the hotel’s garage, but first, she’d get her luggage inside.

  She’d let Scott make their reservations. Judging by the hotel’s main lobby he’d booked them a room at the nicest and probably the priciest hotel on the whole beach. If they went on vacation again together, she’d have to make the reservations, because even splitting the cost of the room here was going to throw her monthly budget off. And she planned on splitting the bill with him. She’d tried bringing it up when she initially invited him along, but he’d changed the subject. She’d avoided the topic since then because she wanted to avoid a disagreement. In the time they’d been together they hadn’t disagreed on anything, a fact that would certainly change at some point. No couple went forever without arguing, but she’d prefer to avoid it as long as possible.

  Stopping beside a potted palm tree, she looked around. A party of four dressed for an evening out sat by the windows sipping drinks. An employee in his early forties with one serious tan stood behind the front desk helping a family check in, and a man dressed in a tuxedo, perhaps there for a wedding, waited for the elevator. She didn’t see Scott anywhere.

  Fingers closed over her shoulder, and she didn’t need to look. Her whole body knew.

  “Hope you haven’t been waiting long?” His palm slid across her skin, and his fingers caressed her jaw. “I broke every speed limit getting here from the airport.” Scott’s lips replaced his fingers, igniting a fire deep inside. “I’ve missed you.” He whispered the words against her lips before kissing her.

  Oh yeah, she’d missed this so much. And she couldn’t wait to get to their room so she could get what else she’d missed since Scott left Sunday night. “I only got here a few minutes ago,” she answered when he finally gave her an opportunity.

  “Let’s get checked in then. Is this everything you brought?” He gestured to the oversized suitcase she’d rolled in. When she nodded, he took it as well as his own bag, leaving her to walk alongside him. “Where’s your car, babe?”

  Now seemed as good a time as any to move it. “Out front in a reserved spot. I should go move it. Be right back.”

  “Ask the valet to do it. I don’t want to waste any of our time together.”

  She hated having someone do something she could handle herself. However, she shared Scott’s sentiments. They had limited time together, so why waste any of it moving a car? Besides, it was their job. The valets wouldn’t mind.

  Paige had traveled to Manhattan enough times with Aunt Bebe that the room, or more appropriately suite, she stood in now didn’t shock her. Regardless, huge dollar signs kept dancing in her head while she unpacked. She shouldn’t have left this up to Scott. Next time she’d know better.

  “And that should be the last phone call I take this weekend.” Scott reentered the bedroom and tossed his smartphone on the nightstand. “Mom’s having a dinner party and wanted us to come.” Kissing her neck, he worked at undoing her ponytail. “Promised her some other time.” Once he got her hair loose, he flicked the elastic away and massaged her scalp. “I’d like you to meet her and Dad soon.”

  His words created a pebble-sized knot in her stomach. He might not, but she considered meeting his parents a big deal.

  He continued the massage across her shoulders before it changed, becoming more of a sensual caress as he moved down her back toward her waist. “But we can talk more about it later,” he whispered against her ear. Taking her earlobe between his lips, he tugged on it, his hands inching under the hem of her tank top. “Now I want to concentrate on being with you.” Desire echoed in his voice and need, unlike anything she’d experienced before replaced the knot of nerves in her stomach.

  “Tell me how you want to spend the night, and that’s what we’ll do,”
he said.

  The picture of them naked on the bed behind them blazed across her mind. Before Scott and Sunday night, she’d never realize how amazing sex could be. And right now with Scott’s hands on her and a bed just feet away, getting some was the only thing she could think about.

  “Anything?” She moved closer, her face a mask of pure innocence. At least she hoped so. Since she didn’t have a mirror, she just hoped that if she failed, at least she didn’t look like some crazy clown. Grabbing his shirt, she tugged it from his waistband and slipped her hands underneath. Slowly, she ran a finger up his spine before circling around to his chest and pressing her palms over his flat nipples, causing Scott to take in a deep breath.

  “Still waiting for you to tell me what you want, or do you need help deciding, babe?”

  She let her hands slip down his corrugated stomach, enjoying the way his abs contracted beneath her touch. “Oh, your help is definitely required. But not in deciding on plans for the night. Those I’ve got figured out.” Paige stopped when she reached his belt buckle. “First, I need you to take off your shirt.”

  He met and held her gaze, slowly cocking an eyebrow. “And what do I get in return?”

  “Depends. What do you want?” His erection pressed against her, creating an ache between her legs. She could rip off her clothes right now and pull him into bed, satisfying both their needs. But she was having too much fun to rush tonight. Her past sexual experiences had always been quick. There’d never been any real foreplay or teasing. Scott had shown her what she’d been missing, and she wanted that again.

  “Your clothes on the floor and you in that bed.” He pointed toward the king-size bed, still wearing too many clothes in her opinion.

  Paige stroked her chin. “How’s this? We’ll compromise. For every one piece of clothing you remove, I’ll take something off too.”

  “Fair enough.” Scott pulled the golf-style shirt off, revealing the hard muscles she’d run her hands over, and let it fall to the floor. “Your turn.”