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Falling For the Billionaire Page 18

  “I’m a grandmother,” his mom said, a mixture of excitement and disbelief in her voice. “Why didn’t she tell you sooner she was pregnant?”

  “She hoped the baby was her fiancé’s. He questioned it after Cooper was born.” He’d rather not go into all the details. “My lawyer is working with hers on a custody agreement.”

  “Congratulations. We look forward to meeting him,” his dad said. Unlike Mom, he didn’t look or sound thrilled. But he didn’t look disappointed either. “Let’s have lunch. You and I will talk more afterward.”

  He suspected he’d get a private conversation today. In fact, he could almost picture how it’d go. Dad would take him into his office and lecture him on how important it was for a child to live with both his mother and his father. Then he’d tell him to consider marrying Nicole and giving Cooper a proper family. That was more or less the conversation his Uncle Colin, Dad’s older brother, had given his son when he found himself in a similar situation. Or at least it was according to his cousin.

  During lunch, no one mentioned Cooper or Nicole. Instead his parents used the time to get to know Paige and they discussed Derek’s upcoming wedding. Sooner than he hoped everyone finished their meals and Dad fixed his gaze on him.

  “I’m not ready for dessert, so if neither of you mind, Scott and I need to talk.”

  “While you’re gone, Paige and I’ll start shopping. Scott needs everything as soon as possible if he’s going to have Cooper staying with him.”

  The Internet might not survive with Mom and Paige shopping together. Paige had admitted she loved shopping both in stores and online. And he’d seen the damage his mom could do when given the time.

  “Excellent plan. Scott, let’s go to my office.” Dad stood and started for the doorway.

  Leaning over, he kissed Paige. “Have fun. Don’t let my mom go too crazy. Try to keep her to the necessities for now.”

  Before either sat down, his dad clapped him on the shoulder. “I wasn’t expecting this today, but congratulations again anyway.”

  “Tell me about it. It shocked me too.”

  “You can never really prepare for fatherhood. Even though I knew you were on the way, the first time I held you, it overwhelmed me.”

  Dad overwhelmed? Not in this lifetime.

  “You’re planning on joint custody, right?”

  “I won’t accept anything less. Cooper will spend as much time with me as possible.”

  Dad nodded and sat down. “Good. A child needs his father. Just be prepared. Fatherhood is the greatest thing in the world, but it changes you.”

  For the next several minutes Scott listened as his dad discussed all the wonderful things about being a father as well as all the challenges. Thankfully not once did he mention marriage between him and Nicole.

  “How’s Paige handling this?”

  “Wonderfully. She’s been supportive since Nicole asked me to have the test done.”

  “Glad to hear it. I like her. When your mom pulled you into the fundraiser, I didn’t agree, but you seem to have made out fine. So when do I get to meet my grandson?”

  “Nicole is bringing him to my apartment tomorrow so I can meet him. If she can get someone to cover her shift at the hospital, Paige will be there. You and mom are invited to come.”

  “We’ll be there.”

  Scott found his mom and Paige in her office sitting on the sofa, a laptop open. Neither acknowledged him when he stopped behind them. Instead they continued to discuss which pack and play, whatever that was, to order.

  “So did you order everything I need?” he asked while he watched his mom press the purchase button.

  “Not even close,” Mom commented.

  “Don’t go crazy, I don’t even have an empty bedroom yet. C’mon, you can finish another time. Dad and I are ready for dessert.”

  “Five more minutes,” Mom said, scrolling down the page. “Oh, look at this, Paige. Scott has to have this for Cooper.”

  Scott rolled his eyes. Hell, he was doomed with these two shopaholics together.

  “If dessert is gone, I don’t want to hear it.”

  Once again both women ignored him, so he left. He’d give them another five or ten minutes. After all, they were having fun. More important, they were getting along well. He planned on Paige being a permanent part of his life and wanted his family to love her as much as he did. Judging by the scene in Mom’s office they were well on their way.

  Chapter 15

  With his smartphone, Scott checked the status of Paige’s flight. The airline listed the plane as on time. He’d asked her to use one of the family’s jets so she could leave Providence whenever she wanted. She’d declined and booked a direct flight out of Logan Airport in Boston. While he’d accepted her decision, he’d insisted on buying her plane ticket and arranged to have a limo pick her up at JFK. He considered meeting her there instead, but feared getting stuck in the office and making her wait around for him. Tomorrow morning, he’d drive her back to the airport himself before heading into work. If it were up to him, she’d stay more than one night, but he’d be happy with what he got because if Anne at the hospital hadn’t agreed to take Paige’s shift today and tomorrow she wouldn’t even be here tonight. And while he hated to admit it, he needed her tonight more than he’d ever needed anyone. Meeting your son whom you’d just learned existed for the first time didn’t happen every day.

  His smartphone chimed, an indication he’d received a text message.

  I landed. I don’t need to wait for baggage. Should be there soon.

  She’d mentioned packing a change of clothes in a small bag and carrying it onboard with her to save time and avoid baggage claim. He appreciated it. He wanted her here long before Nicole arrived with Cooper.

  Before he typed back a message, another came through. This one was from his mom. All settled at the hotel. Let us know when you’re ready for us to come over.

  Will do.

  Last night both his parents had loved the idea of coming today. They’d also both adored Paige. Not that he was surprised. The only downside to their visit yesterday was all the baby stuff his mom and Paige had ordered. He had no idea the total amount and hadn’t asked. All he knew was it had taken him several attempts before they stopped. The first two times he went into the office, they’d ignored him, and he’d left them at it. On his third trip in though, he’d heard his mom ask Paige if she should order the BMW or the Mercedes electric ride-on car for Cooper. At that, he’d closed his mom’s laptop and pulled Paige to her feet. His knowledge of baby development was slim, but since his son couldn’t even feed himself yet, Cooper wouldn’t be ready for an electric car for a long time. Mom had conceded with only a few grumbles, and they’d enjoyed dessert and tea. Knowing Mom, though, she’d logged back on and ordered the car as well as a bunch of other things right after Paige and he left.

  With nothing to do but wait, Scott went for the coffeepot.

  The driver just pulled up at your building. Be right up. Another message from Paige appeared on his screen an hour later. “Not a moment too soon,” he muttered as he stuck the phone in his back pocket.

  “Doing okay?” Paige asked once he returned from putting her bag in the bedroom.

  “Let’s say my stomach now knows what a drink shaker feels like when you make a martini.”

  “Never heard that one before. I’ll have to remember it.” Wrapping her arms around him, she pressed her body against his. “Everything will be fine. You’ll see. Later on you won’t even remember why you were nervous. What time are your parents coming?”

  Scott returned the embrace and rested his cheek against her hair, inhaling the clean scent of her shampoo. Some of his anxiety slipped away as he focused on her chest rising and falling against his. “When I call them. I wanted some time alone with Cooper before they join us,” he answered. “But they already checked in to their hotel.”

  “They’re not staying here with us?”

  “And share you? Hell no.
Besides, if you and my mom are in the same room again, you’ll go on another shopping binge. Cooper will end up with so many outfits he won’t need to go shopping until he’s ready for college.” He hadn’t asked, but he knew his mom had spent some time today doing more shopping. She wouldn’t have been able to stop herself. And when she arrived tonight, she’d have some gifts in hand for Cooper. “They’ll be fine for a night. Tomorrow they’re going back home.”

  “If you want time alone with Cooper, I can go for a walk or something. You can call me when you want me to come back.” While she spoke, Paige moved away from him and sat down on the sofa.

  “No. I need you here.” Scott went to join her, but the doorbell rang before his butt touched the cushion. At the sound, his heart bumped into his breastbone. He’s here. When he returned home from work, he’d told security downstairs to let Nicole and Cooper up when they arrived. She was the only one who could be ringing the bell now.

  “Do you want me to get it?” Beside him, Paige stood up again when he didn’t move.

  “No, but you can join me.”

  When he opened the door, Scott glanced at Nicole long enough to say hello before his gaze dropped to the large infant carrier she held. She’d showed him a picture of the baby, but it must have been an older one. The baby in the carrier now appeared somewhat larger, although he still looked tiny.

  “Maybe you should let them in,” Paige whispered in his ear.

  Wow, he needed to get it together. “Nicole, please come in. You remember Paige.”

  “I’m glad to see her here tonight. I thought this might cause problems between you two.” She passed by him and set the infant carrier on the area rug. “Cooper ate about two hours ago, so he’ll need to eat again soon. He still gets hungry about every two to three hours.” As she spoke, Nicole removed him from the seat, and his palms itched to hold him.

  “Sounds like Scott.” Paige nudged him in the side. “Would you like anything, Nicole?”

  He hadn’t asked her over to play hostess, but since he seemed incapable of doing it he appreciated her help. Later, he’d tell her how much.

  “Some pinot grigio would be great. One of the best things about not breast-feeding is I don’t have to worry about what I eat or drink.”

  Damn, he knew so little about Cooper. A dad should know whether his son was being bottle-fed or nursed.

  “It’ll also make it easier for when he stays with Scott,” Paige added, filling the awkward silence. “Some babies have a difficult time taking a bottle if they’ve always been nursed.” Paige started to walk toward the kitchen. “I’ll get you some wine. Scott, do you want anything?”

  He’d remained silent too long. Clearing his throat, he got ready to jump into the conversation. “Whatever you get is fine,” he answered, before turning back to Nicole. “Can I hold him?”

  Nicole didn’t hesitate. She walked toward him, and with each step she took his heart beat faster. “Make sure you support his head and neck.”

  He knew the drill; he’d held his cousins’ babies enough.

  When Nicole placed Cooper in his arms, the room around him disappeared. Scott took in everything about the baby he held. The urge to protect and love him no matter what filled his whole body, and he swallowed, hoping to control the emotions bubbling up because otherwise, he risked crying.

  “This afternoon I spoke with my lawyer. She’s been working with yours and doesn’t think it’ll be much longer before they have a custody agreement worked out. I’m going to check in with her again Wednesday. I don’t think I’ll have time tomorrow, my flight leaves at nine in the morning.”

  He’d talked to his own lawyer earlier as well. According to him, he’d never worked on a custody case that was going so smoothly.

  “Are you going on vacation?” Paige asked. She’d returned with wine for Nicole as well as a drink for him, which she put on the table.

  Scott heard Paige’s comment and realized he’d missed something. “You’re leaving New York soon?” He looked away from his son long enough to see Nicole take a sip from her glass.

  “Tomorrow I’m returning to Los Angeles for a few days. I have a meeting with my agent. Then I’m joining Jordan in Maui. He’s there working on a new film. He called over the weekend and asked me to join him. We’re really trying to work through things.”

  Cooper moved in his arms, pulling his attention back down. My son. He’d known for a few days, but until this moment it hadn’t seemed real. He’d just met his son. He wasn’t ready for so much distance to be between them. “What about Cooper? Is he going to Maui with you?”

  Nicole laughed, the sound grating on his nerves. “He’ll stay in California with Leslie, my nanny, until I get back. You’ll love her. She lives with us and everyone in my family adores her. Even my mother, and she’s picky. I considered bringing her along today so you can meet her but decided it can wait. Next time though I’ll definitely bring Leslie with us.”

  It took effort, but he held back his first thought. He didn’t want his son being raised by hired help. Yeah, he and his sisters had stayed with a nanny whenever their parents attended a fundraiser or some other event where children weren’t allowed, but they hadn’t had a nanny around 24-7. Neither had any of his cousins. And although he’d need some form of childcare during the week while he worked, the individual would not be moving in. Unfortunately, whether or not Nicole hired a live-in nanny wasn’t up to him.

  “When will you get back to New York?” he asked, rather than voice his opinion.

  “Not sure exactly. After Maui, it’s back to Los Angels for a day before I fly out to Paris and work on some scenes for my new movie. Cooper and Leslie are coming with me. After that we’ll return to Manhattan.”

  He’d already missed the first month of his son’s life. He didn’t want to miss another one. Part of him wanted to say he’d take him now. Nicole could go to Maui and the nanny could get a vacation. But neither his apartment nor his life was ready to take a baby today. “Leave him with me while you’re in Paris.” A couple weeks would be more than enough time to get everything in order, especially with his mom already on the job.

  Nicole touched Cooper’s head but didn’t try to take him back. “It took me months of interviews before Cooper was born to find a nanny I liked. I don’t think you’ll find one in a couple weeks.” She shrugged. “I guess Leslie could stay here if you don’t find one. I don’t think she’d mind. She adores Cooper and the city. If you want, I can ask her tonight and let you know.”

  “I don’t intend on hiring a live-in nanny. And if I don’t find someone I trust to watch him while I’m at work by then, I’ll arrange to work from home. Or take the time off.” His voice came out sharper than he’d intended and he reined his frustration in. “I have family nearby too.” His cousin Callie spent time in both Manhattan and Connecticut. If he got stuck, she’d help him. And his mom wasn’t far away either. “People raise their own children all the time, Nicole. I think I can figure it out.”

  Paige’s arm went around his waist. “He’s got me too. There’s no reason I can’t spend the weekends here while Cooper’s with Scott. I can come on Thursday after work and stay until Sunday night.”

  Nicole’s eyes darted from him to Paige then down to Cooper and back to him. Disbelief was evident on her face. “If that’s what you want. It’s okay with me.”


  From the kitchen she watched Scott’s parents interact with Cooper. For the past, hour they’d done nothing but fuss over the baby, each taking a turn to hold him. At least, they held Cooper when they could wrestle him from Scott’s arms. Although he’d been nervous when she arrived, he’d relaxed almost the moment he held his son. Since then he hadn’t let Cooper from his sight. He’d even fed and changed Cooper’s diaper. He was going to have a tough time when Nicole left with the baby. He’d considered telling Nicole to leave him here while she flew to California, she’d seen it on his face. She’d also noticed his disapproval of Nicole’s decision to pas
s off a lot of responsibility to a nanny. To his credit though, he hadn’t made a big deal about it. He’d merely said he didn’t intend to hire a live-in nanny himself. Her love for him had grown even more because of the simple sentence and what it said about him. Regardless of the help he could hire, he planned on being a full-time father when Cooper was with him. A lot of men and women in his social circle didn’t do that. They’d rather act more like the fun aunt or uncle and leave the hard work to the hired help. Her cousins Nolan and Prescott were perfect examples of that. They bought their children everything under the sun, but spent little quality time with them.

  “He’s taking this whole father thing well,” Nicole said, joining her in the kitchen and going straight for the open bottle of wine. “Do you want any?” Nicole asked after she refilled her glass.

  She’d noticed the woman drank a lot and wondered how she’d managed not to while pregnant. “Not right now, thanks. Maybe later.”

  “I really wanted Jordan to be Cooper’s father. But when I found out he wasn’t, I hoped Scott would be. Things didn’t work out between us, but he’s a great guy. He’ll be a good dad, I think.”

  No doubt about it, Scott would be a fantastic father. “He will.”

  “I can’t believe he doesn’t plan on hiring a full-time nanny. After he spends a few days alone with Cooper, he’ll change his mind.”

  Paige glanced over at where Scott sat, Cooper once again in his arms. “No, he won’t. He’ll find a person to help while he’s at work, but he won’t have someone else raising his son.” She turned to face Nicole. “When Cooper’s with him, Scott will be the one taking care of him. And he’ll have his family and me around to help.”

  Nicole didn’t agree or disagree; she merely shrugged and finished her drink. “Cooper and I should go. My packing isn’t finished.”

  Scott’s not going to want to hear that. She wished Nicole and Cooper weren’t leaving New York tomorrow. Scott deserved more time with his son.

  When Nicole left the kitchen, Paige followed. She watched while Scott’s parents said their goodbyes to both Cooper and Nicole. Her heart ached as Scott spoke softly to Cooper before kissing him on the forehead and then strapping him into his infant carrier. Although he let Nicole grab her diaper bag, he picked up the carrier himself.